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Injectables: A Cheat Sheet

We thought it might be helpful to create a users guide to injectable treatments, or “cheat sheet” of sorts for anyone considering wrinkle relaxers, dermal fillers, or any other cosmetic injectable product for their face.

Injectable treatments
A patient’s guide to injectable treatments

Overwhelmed with options for injectable treatments? Start here …

When it comes to injectable treatments, there are a LOT of options to choose from. In the last decade, a deluge of new products have emerged designed to treat everything from chest wrinkles to underwhelming cheekbones. Unless you’re an industry insider, it can be difficult to keep track of what’s available, and what should be used where, and for what.

We thought it might be helpful to create a users guide to injectable treatments, or “cheat sheet” of sorts for anyone considering wrinkle relaxers, dermal fillers, or any other cosmetic injectable product for their face.

We highly encourage anyone considering an injectable treatment, like Botox or Juvederm, to not only research these products on their own, but also to discuss these options with a medical professional. The goal here is to help you understand what products are used to treat which issues, so then you can go forth and do whatever research you need to do ahead of booking an appointment.

Let’s dive in, shall we? We’ll start at the top … of your face.

Upper ⅔ of the Face — Your Forehead, Brows, Temples

Expressive faces are wonderful. That is, until those expression lines start sticking around. Most wrinkles in this part of the face are the result of repeated facial movements and expressions. The products most commonly used to treat these areas are wrinkle relaxers, like Botox or Dysport. These are paralytic agents which act to temporarily stop the muscles which cause the wrinkles from moving.

Wrinkle relaxers should ONLY be used in the upper ⅔ of your face. They are effective for treating lines next to your eyes (crow’s feet), as well as both horizontal and vertical lines on your forehead and brow.

Examples of Wrinkle Relaxers: Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Juveau

How Long They Last: 3-6 months, depending on dosage, muscle strength, and product

Mid-Face — Under Eyes, Cheekbones, Nose, Nasolabial Folds (“Marionette Lines”)

Under Eye Circles – Dermal fillers, such as Juvederm or Restylane, are commonly used to treat this area by literally filling in the gap beneath the eye socket that gives the appearance of those dark circles. Sometimes this is injected directly beneath the eye, other times it’s injected through the tear troughs. How Long This Lasts: 6 – 12 mos.

Cheekbones – Want chiseled cheekbones? The dermal fillers are used to add volume and sculpting to cheekbones include Sculptra, Radiesse, Juvederm and Restylane. How Long This Lasts: 6 mos. – 2 years

Nose – Fillers can be used to smooth out bumps and curves, as well as other issues that once required a rhinoplasty – such as “lifting” the front of your nose. Voluma is commonly used here as a temporary treatment (it lasts about 18 mos.), which is recommended as the first step for anyone considering a “non-surgical nose job”. Bellafill is a permanent filler commonly used for acne scars. It’s also used for more lasting filler-based treatment in the nose. How Long This Lasts: 18 mos. for Voluma, much longer for Bellafill.

Nasolabial Folds – These are the vertical lines separating your cheeks from your lips, often called “Marionette Lines”. Dermal fillers like Vollure and Juvederm XC help reduce the depth and shadowy appearance of these lines. How Long This Lasts: 12 – 18 mos.

Lower Face – Lips, Jowls, Chin & Neck

Lips – Plumping your pucker is easier than ever, thanks to finer-consistency dermal fillers like Juvederm and Volbella. These help reduce the appearance of vertical lines both on and around the lips. How Long This Lasts: 3-12 mos. depending on product, facial movement, and treatment dosage.

Jowls – Similar to the nasolabial lines, these are the lines extending from the corners of your lips downward toward your chin. Dermal fillers like Vollure and Juvederm XC are commonly used here. How Long This Lasts: 12 – 18 mos.

Chin – For those with “weak chins” or overly rounded faces, fillers can help create definition and elongate the point of the chin in a notable way. They enhance your facial structure both from the front and from the side. Juvederm Voluma and Radiesse or the three fillers most commonly used here. How Long This Lasts: 15 – 24 mos.

Neck – Do you hate your double chin, or fatty, under-neck “wobbles”? Kybella is an injectable treatment designed to permanently remove fat deposits here. This product creates a chemical reaction that eliminates fat cells, leaving the patient with a lean, smooth, and wobble-free chin and neck. These results last forever, provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

PLEASE NOTE – It’s illegal for anyone other than a licensed medical doctor, surgeon, or nurse practitioner. It is only acceptable for a physician’s assistant to treat patients with injectables if they’re under the DIRECT instruction of a practicing physician. It is not only illegal for nurses, medical assistants, and aestheticians to administer these treatments — it’s dangerous. You only get one face. We recommend you trust it to a board certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist.

Those considering injectable treatments like these in South Florida or in Brevard County can rest assured Dr. Bernabe Vazquez stays on top of these emerging trends, and has ample experience treating patients with a wide variety of injectable products. If you have questions about these, or any injectable, cosmetic, or surgical treatments, we encourage you to call our office and set up a free consultation.

Follow us on Instagram or Facebook. Ready to start the conversation about a cosmetic surgery procedure? Give us a call! (305) 858-8222

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